Leading Controlling


Leading function is performed at PHA by arranging activities like “Brain Storming”, where people from different departments sit together and they discuss the job progress and completing it effectively. Also Competitions among supervisors are arranged to motivate them toward better outcome in order to lead them. Leaders at PHA use their Reward Power usually and they give monetary rewards to better performers. Also we have been able to notice that leaders at PHA are Transactional Leaders, they just want to deal with their subordinates based on the social exchanges such as getting the job done quickly in return with monetary rewards.


Controlling functions is performed most likely with Concurrent Control-Random visits by DG throughout Lahore; DG randomly visits the ongoing projects and checks their progresses and controls them. There are no specific financial goals just staying in the budget and almost no financial controls are used by PHA to perform controlling. However, Benchmarking is done to control the organization better. Usually good projects are set as benchmarks and people involved in a project are expected to aspire for those benchmarks